The film maker Karan Malhotra Shamshera was released on July 22. The film, starring Ranbir Kapoor and Sanjay Dutt in the main role, performed poorly in the box office. After performing poorly last weekend, on Monday the film began with a decrease in revenue of 65% further. Karan overcome the failure of the film on his Instagram post on Wednesday and said that he ‘could not handle hatred and anger’ after the failure of the film.
Overcoming Shamshera’s failure, Karan shared notes on his Instagram grip, with the title, “Shamshera is mine.” His notes read, “Dear Shamshera, you are magnificent as it is. It is important for me to express myself about this about this about this about this about this, you are a platform because this is where all love, hatred, celebration and insult are there for you. I want to apologize to you for leaving you for the past few days because I can’t handle hatred and anger. “
My withdrawal is my weakness and there is no reason for that. But now I am here, standing next to you with your hands with a feeling of pride and honorable that you are mine. Will face everything together, the good is bad and bad. And a big scream for the Shamshera family, the players and the Shamshera crew. Love, blessings and worries that have been bombarded with us are the most valuable and no one can take it from us. #Shamsheraismine #shamshera, “concluded Karan.
According to a report by, after recording a large decline of 65% on Monday, Shamshera further down on the fifth day (Tuesday) at the box office. On Tuesday, the film added only ₹ 2.50 crore to the total collection, which is now standing at ₹ 36 Crore.
Shamshera was regulated in the 1800s in the fictitious city of Kaza, where the soldiers were imprisoned, enslaved and tortured by the cruel authoritarian general Shudh Singh (played by Sanjay Dutt). This is the story of Shamshera (Ranbir Kapoor), who became a slave, a slave who became a leader, and then legend for his tribes. He struggled for the freedom and dignity of his tribe. The film was released in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.